displaced person

美 [dɪsˌpleɪst ˈpɜːrsn]英 [dɪsˌpleɪst ˈpɜːsn]
  • n.难民;流亡者

复数: displaced persons

displaced persondisplaced person


【不规则形式】pl. displaced persons

technical 术语难民;流亡者
a refugee

displaced person


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指因战争而)被迫背井离乡的人,颠沛流离的人,失去家园者
    A displaced person is someone who has been forced to leave the place where they live, especially because of a war.


a person forced to flee from home or country
Synonym: DP stateless person


  1. Using displaced person to push foreign policy was a new phenomenon in American post-war foreign policy , and the refugee policy Truman established was just the source of this phenomenon .


  2. In a particular kind of way , the Indian was our first displaced person .


  3. Truman 's government established its prestige in western world , weakened Soviet 's influence and strength itself by virtue of displaced person .


  4. In a particular kind of way , the Indian was our first displaced person . If you and I did not come from abroad ourselves , our forefathers did .


  5. And shortly thereafter , we got a postcard that my father was alive and he was in a displaced person camp in Austria .


  6. On the contrary , it admits honestly that each of us in this country , with a possible and qualified exception of our native Indians , is a displaced person .
